"So in order to change my weakness,I had no choice but to surf more rights,just rights actually,that s why when I turn 17,I decided to go to west oz for a long period,there was no better place I could think of to surf rights everydays.During every session,my main focus was to practice back flips,I fucked up many sections for sure but hard work and sacrifices always pays off,3 years later and I can proudly say that my biggest weakness became my strongest ability.
Western Australia was the first place I ve been when I came to Australia the first time in 2004,I remember being so disappointed because I didn t see Ryan Hardy,it was like going to Hawaii and not see Mike Stewart.
Every year now,after Hawaii,I go to WA,I think it s my favorite destination in the world,I had some of the best surfs of my life there,the scariest moments of my life too like seeing sharks for the first time while surfing or hitting the reef with my face at Box.
I say it a lot in my interviews but really,I have no doubt that if today,I am where I am,it s because of my long stays in Hawaii and Australia,I m just happy I made the rights choices at the rights moments and have a family who let me make my own choices and support my decisions.
In this episode,you will see the action that went down in Western Australia last March,I hope you enjoy the video!"
Fonte: Pierrelouiscostes.com
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