With whispers and rumours running rife in the industry over the past month we thought it was about time to officially announce that Ryan Hardy has joined the Reeflex Team in 2011. Ryan joins Dave "Winny" Winchester on the Global Pro Team travelling the world in pursuit of an IBA World Tour Title whilst juggling fatherhood with his new born son Oliver Jay Hardy arriving on Saturday 22nd January.
Ryan spoke with Reeflex Owner/Manager John Barker about being the new kid on the block and what it all means to him about joining an international brand that is in his own backyard. "A big attraction to joining the Reeflex brand was the strength in its team...obviously Dave Wing who is one of my main travel partners on the world tour and has quickly become one of Australia's standout riders and biggest threats on the world tour. Then there is the full spectrum of up and comers in Lachie Cramsie, Lewy Finnegan, George Humphreys, Davis Blackwell and my local boys the Purvis brothers.
It's really motivating to be amongst a team of crazy talent and potential!!" "Having ridden for other wetsuit brands and worked in store selling the latest ranges of suits, I can say quite genuinely that the 2011 Reeflex suits are among the best suits that I've both seen and worn and to see a bodyboard-founded brand present this level of quality is insane!!" "Reeflex has a really good foundation set in place that I believe will see it succeed for years to come.
Headed by an original WA bodyboarder enthusiast of my own generation, Johnny B, Reeflex suits strive for quality and performance across the whole range of suits. With a strong team in place of all differing weights and heights, Reeflex suits are ensured to be performance tested to the maximum and ultimately, this ensures that the suit that ends up on the customer will be of the highest quality" To celebrate Ryan's addition to the team www.reeflexwetsuits.com is having a "WELCOME RYAN!!" sale with 20% off all summer wetsuits and whilst you are there you can feast your eyes on the 2011 Winter Range which are available for pre purchase. You will also notice a new page titled "THE HARD WORD" which is Ryan's fortnightly blog exclusive to Reeflex about his free surfing times, world tour travels and what it is like being a father for the very first time.
Notícia enviada por: Rodrigo Rijo
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