quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2020


For their newest flagship store in Berlin, Deus Ex Machina went all out. Not only does the complex — or The Fountain of Eternal Effervescence as they call it — have a full lineup of motorcycles and merchandise, a restaurant, mixologist bar, and a garden, but it also has a pool. Dubbed the Wellenwerk, the indoor pool features an artificial wave, giving locals of the land-locked capital a taste of the surf life. While the Deus Temple is currently open, the spot will also host a motorbike workshop, beer garden, and custom surfboard workshop in the near future."

Photos: Deus Ex Machina

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2020

Gato Herói Acid


Gato Herói Acid from Wild Things on Vimeo.

The original acid was conceived by Robin over 10 years ago for a trip to Morocco, testing prototypes in the long running points from knee high to double overhead. The Acid Series has evolved from these early trips into a few closely related models. Incredible paddle power, drive and speed on the open face, these boards love surfing with the rail engaged! The acid will surprise you with its original approach in all situations - from driving turns and tubing sections on bigger days to high speed trim on knee-high pipes. It fits well among a quiver of longboards and is a versatile board, great to travel with!

Film and edit Dom Sullivan @workbydom

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2020

Can An Alt-Board Guy Learn To Ride A Modern Thruster? 'The Mysterious Af...

The dancing dandy starring in the film above is Mr. Harrison Roach, one of the darlings of the post-modern ride-anything movement.
For the last 10 years Harry and a handful of "open-minded" free surfers have managed to scrape livings as an aspirational, relatable, journeyman aesthete. For Harry and surfers like him, their marketability has come not in spite of, but because of, his abstinence from anything like mainstream high-performance equipment, ie. the modern thruster.
And this makes some people very angry. Many of you watching this right now have long held the belief that the heavily-glassed, elegantly tinted alternative equipment these “hipster kooks” ride has concealed fundamental flaws in their surfing. "Put these guys on a real surfboard," you say. "Then we’ll see how pretty they look.”
This is what happens when you put one of surfing’s foremost alternative stylists on teamlite foam and fiberglass.

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2020



The sixth episode of the BING SESSIONS series features none other than Bing rider, Mick Rodgers riding his 10' Bing Continental at SANO.

quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2020

FCS Shaper Awards - Mick Fanning Rides The McTavish Bluebird.

Almost 12 months have passed since we announced Bob McTavish as the recipient of the inaugural FCS Legend Shaper Award. Cast your mind back and you might remember watching Bob and Mick sharing a few special hours in the bay.
After setbacks with injury and a global pandemic, we can finally watch the fruits of Bob’s labour come to life, Mick fully firing and ready to take on the McTavish Bluebird.

UNSEEN: Perfect Cloudbreak Pits

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020

Karina Rozunko


Karina Rozunko is an ambidextrous centipede. And we're fairly certain she works for the government.

sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2020

FREE | Surfing [La Saladita, Mexico] [Longboard]

Free surfing during the Mexi Log Fest (@mexilogfest) with few of the best international classic longboarders.

- Supported by -
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfer -
Kaimana Takayama (@kaimanatakayama)
Nathan Strom (@nathanstrom_)
Mike Lay (@laymike)
Keani Canullo (@keanicanullo)
Dane Perlee (@ospreysurfboards)
Saxon Wilson (@saxon__wilson)
Augusto Olinto (@augustoolinto)

terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2020

Longboarding with Fraser and Charlie on the Coffs Coast.

“Brink” - catching bass and bangin’ barrels with Adam Griffiths


Vid by Seth Hughes:  "A small insight into Adam's life, an early morning bass fishing trip and some clips from the past couple of winter swells around the British Isles." Music: 'Nissim' - The Gaslamp Killer - Additional Footage: Matt Ham, Chris Levi, Hobo Surf Media, Tyler Worth

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2020

CALIFORNIA SOUL by Tatsuo Takei [Surfing]

This video is all about the best of California soul surfing over the last two years.
Most of the footage can be seen in the NobodySurf Originals series that I made for them. This is a unique collaboration with Jitzuwa Finder, who makes custom soundtracks for NobodySurf Originals. Also, I added footage which never made it to the series to come up with something new and exciting.
Aloha and Mahalo Tatsuo Takei
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)
- Supported by - - Surfers -

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020

Assorted Rides - Devon Howard

Vid by Drew Miller. “I’ve whittled down what I ride most into two distinct camps - for the cruisey, under shoulder-high days I find classic single-fin longboards (9’9 to 10’) with a '66 Australian bent are hard to beat. When conditions push up my plan shapes dip down to a range of mostly egg-inspired outlines (6’10 - 7’2”), and the rails, bottom contours and fin set-ups take on a much more revved up form.”
"The golden rule when chasing waves to the Gulf Coast: if you surfed, you scored." Jimmy Wilson.
Justin Quintal and Tosh Tudor hunt waves around Floridia's Forgotten Coast during Tropical Storm Cristobal.

sábado, 13 de junho de 2020


Embark on a tour of the beautiful Philippine island of Siargao with Achel Machin. Dancing between waving palm trees, surfing in tropical blue water and flying high above breathtaking mangrove forests, Achel shows us that dreams can be reality. Sit back and escape with him to this little slice of paradise nestled in the Philipine Sea.
Film: Achel Machin & Nick Banta Edit: Achel Machin
Music: City Of The Sun - “Someday”

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2020

quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2020

CVRRENT // Ep. 40 // Andrew Fisher

Surfer: Andrew Fisher
Board: 7'10 Rozbern "Kingfisher Twin"
Music: "A Timely Idea" by Ice Dragon and Space Mushroom Fuzz
Film/Edit: TJ Thran

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2020

North Shore, Hawaii Surfing | BIG MONDAY | Filmed by Jack Coleman

- Surfer -
Andrew LaGreco (@andrewlogreco)
Mark Healey (@healeywaterops)
Anthony Walsh (@anthony_walsh_)
Balaram Stack (@_balaram)
Nathan Florence (@nathan_florence)
Carlos Goncalves (@doncabeza)

- Location -
North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA

California Surfing | Makala Smith | NobodySurf Originals

Makala Smith at Malibu, San Onofre, Spring and Fall 2019.

Smooth and powerful -- that’s all I can say about Makala Smith. As long as traditional single fin longboarding is around, Makala’s cut back and bottom turn will always be insane. From my opinion, she cut backs deeper than anybody, she bottom turns faster than anybody. If you are wondering about the essence of traditional longboarding, you should watch how Makala surfs. (Tatsuo Takei)

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2020

Asher Pacey joy ride on a Album 4’10 Plasmic down in Mainland Mex for SN...

Asher Pacey first surf ever on a Album surfboard !! Borrowing a 4’10 Plasmic model for a spin down in Mainland Mex filming for SNAPT 4 .. filmed by Mini Blanchard . Edited by Change for Balance . Produced by Logan Dulien

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2020

California Surfing | Karina Rozunko | NobodySurf Originals

Karina Rozunko at San Onofre and Oceanside, Spring and Fall 2019.
I like the way Karina surfs on her single fin. There is never a movement out of place, even when cross stepping. Style and grace, that is all you need when you surf on single fin longboards. (Tatsuo Takei)

Thomas Germann - surfing a couple with Jimi

Music by Jimmy Hendrix

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2020

Noosa Festival Day 2 - Old Mal Division Round 1 Highlights

Noosa Festival of Surf
Day 2
Highlights of round 1 of the Old Mal (pre 1967 boards) division
Features Harrison Roach, Jack Norton, Jye Whyatt, Jayce Pioli, Rick Wilder and more.
Music by The Dream Syndicate "The whole worlds watching"
Camera Nikon P900 full hd 60 fps

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2020

URBNSURF Melbourne | Bodyboard Kings

During pre-opening testing, three kings of Australian bodyboarding ripped URBNSURF Melbourne apart. For 5 hours straight, Mitch Rawlins, Jake Stone and Dave Winchester pushed Beast and Beast+ to the limits. They hucked inverts and ARS's into the flats, and sat deeper on the foamball than anyone to date.
Later this year, we'll be launching our new Expert sessions. Featuring our biggest, heaviest wave settings and less riders in the lineup, they're designed for surfers, bodyboarders and bodysurfers who crave slabbing barrels. In the meantime, these settings are available for private bookings - and to mindsurf.
Film by Tyge Landa and Chris Bryan.

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2020

A Tail From Hawaii - Ben Player

A Tail From Hawaii from Movement Media on Vimeo.

I went to Hawaii over the NYE 2020 holidays. It had been a few years since I last went and was lucky enough to get perfect conditions at Pipe for 8 days straight. I rode my new WFV2 Quantum board for the first day of the swell and loved it so much that rode it the whole time.I loved the way the WFV2 tail balances with the new toed in quad channel design. It feels like you get lift in the tail which makes it easier for moves, but you also get an increase in control as a result of the new toed in quad channel design. It’s by far the best board I have ever ridden, which is why I called this clip I edited ‘A Tail From Hawaii’.

Longboarding Nationals, Noosa Festival of Surfing 2019

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2020

Dane Pioli-Kaitlin Mikkelsen-Declan Wyton-Roisin Carolan-Tully White-Arc...

15/16 February 2020
Coffs Coast
Dane Pioli, Kaitlin Mikkelsen, Declan Wyton, Roisin Carolan, Tully White and Archer Drinan.
Music by Algiers "Disposition"
Camera Panasonic Lumix FZ2500 full HD 60 fps

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2020

O Clássico Não Morreu

Na década passada um movimento de releitura do surf dos anos dourados começou a emergir numa velocidade surpreendente nos maiores polos de surf do mundo, principalmente na Califórnia. Os então chamados “loggers”, uma geração inteira influenciada pelos filmes de Thomas Campbell, se apresentaram como um “novo velho” universo. O “moer a onda” deu lugar a “elegância e simplicidade” em meio a dias que o surf competitivo se mostrava completamente antagônico. No que se diz respeito as pranchas grandes isso acabou gerando um atrito generalizado onde o embate era entre o “clássico x moderno”, algo que para os verdadeiros amantes do surf é uma grande besteira. O princípio de tudo é a diversão, então porque nesse assunto também não seria esse o foco? Parece que ao final da década a poeira começou a baixar e os “lados” começaram a se entender e uma aceitação mutua e respeitosa passou a ser vista dentro e fora d’água. Ainda tem muito pano para a manga, mas o futuro parece brilhante porque “O Clássico Não Morreu”, está mais vivo mais vivo a cada dia.
Direção / Câmera / Edição Pedro Scansetti Surfista Caio Teixeira Trilha Sonora Música MX448_1 - Dark Caves-13858 Artista Kurt Oldman, BMI Álbum MX448 - Organic Sound Design 2 Solo Strings and Effects Licenciado para o YouTube por
AdRev for a 3rd Party (em nome de Megatrax Music, BMI (Megatrax)); AdRev Publishing

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2020

Caio Teixeira no Surf Relik

Tommy Witt @ Surf Relik (Trestles, CA)

Lore - Mademoiselle´s at Dawn

LORE - Mademoiselle's at Dawn from Lore of the Sea on Vimeo.

One lush morning, a bunch of lady sliders and a lot of fun.
Featuring Jordy Todd, Lucie Small, Tarryn Wilson, Roisin Carolan and Laure Mayer.
Music Etta Jones
|| Filmed and edited by Clementine Bourke @clementinebourke

ONDA | Surf Shortfilm de Felipe Julian

Surfer: André Silva

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2020

Tristan Roberts at TAND

Britt Merrick Breaks Down the new Channel Islands FishBeard

Parker Coffin said it first: “A NeckBeard 2 would work sick as a keel-fin fish!” So we go to work redesigning the back half of the NB2 template and rocker, paired the board with our CI Keel Fins, and the FishBeard was born.
The FishBeard is pure business in the front and all party in the back. Get forward on this user-friendly board and drive from the center and you’ll have all the speed and flow you always desired. Step back on the tail to engage the fins and rails, which provides you hold, pivot, projection and the freedom to rip as hard as ever. To keep the party going, we dug into the archives and found some vintage mid-80’s, fluorescent logos and recreated CI’s iconic layup from that era.

Kai Sallas Longboard Company | John Michael Van Hohenstein #2

Last Minute

Brittany express with friends Clovis Donizetti, Jean Penninck and Giacomo Perez.
Supported by Oxbow
Direction, film, edit : Thomas Lodin

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2020


Featuring: Reynolds “Renny" Yater, George Greenough, Al Merrick, Tom Curren, Ryan Lovelace, Nat Young, Wayne Lynch, Bob McTavish, Kim Mearig - and more...
Produced by Wyatt Daily & Justin Misch - 2020 - run-time 60 minutes

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2020


Lewy Finnegan spent some time in Portugal last year (2019) while competing on the APB World Tour and enjoyed some sick bodyboarding waves with his Portuguese brothers.
Filmed & edited by Manuel Barbosa

Brother Brother

We met up with Evie, Patrick, and Ryan down in Puerto Rico this past December for a little bonfire and sunset session. Although the hangout was brief, there was a bounty of waves and good times to be had.

Music: "Kids" by Ravi Shavi
Film: TJ Thran & Justin Bouchard
Edit: TJ Thran

segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2020


Kai Sallas Longboard Company | John Michael Van Hohenstein

Longboard prototypes shaped by ISA World Longboard Champion, Kai Sallas, for the new Kai Sallas Longboard Company are tested out by John Michael Van Hohenstein and the man himself, Kai Sallas. Watch the duo style out with some super sick noseriding during a fun winter logging surf sesh.

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2020

Tomas Hermes SOMA

Inicio do video nos Mosteiros, ilha de São Miguel -  Açores

SOMA means the sum of all things. SOMA is the DIY surf film by Tomas Hermes and Ana Romanio. “Just like art, the performance of surf fascinates me,” Tomas Hermes SOMA’s introduction was filmed in Portugal, the rest of the action went down on a surf trip Tomas and Ana took for a few days to Bali and South Sumatra. Those three locations are the sum of all things. Directed and Edited by Tomas Hermes Cinematography by Ana Romanio Music Credits: Cue 31 Artist: Paternoster Album: Die Ersten Tage (The First Days) Winter Artist: Iron Claw Album: Iron Claw

Amaury Lavernhe - Sea Soldier

Amaury Lavernhe, two times World Champion, living and riding as a SEA SOLDIER since 8 years now in Galdar, in front of the famous break of El Fronton.
Enjoy this clip filmed and edited by Nicolas Nachaj (PERFORMANCE BODYBOARDING)
Additional footages Guilherme Delarue

Troy Elmore - HB Cliffs

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2020

Longboarding with Fraser Dan Sam

Tuesday 4 February 2020
Coffs Coast
Fraser Bartlett, Dan McEvoy and Sam Burke ride their single fins at their fav break, Fraser on a Colour Sphere, Dan and Sam on McTAvishs. Music-Tyler Morris covers "miss you" by The Stones, and The Big Push "its alright" on the out takes.
Camera Lumix fz2500 on most, the longer shots on the Nikon p900 2000mm max zoom, both 60 fps full hd.

Levi Prairie Sunset!

As the globe sinks in the sea. Vid by Untitled.work. Surfer: Levi Prarie. Spot: Blackies, Newport, CA. Music: Gabor Szabo “Some Velvet Morning”

quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2020

3 Old Friends


3 Old Friends - A film about travel and friendship.
A tale of three friends back on the boards and the road. Their passion: the most beautiful waves on the north coast of Spain and in the south coast of France to ride them. This year, they decided to meet and travel together.
Determined to return to basics, they traveled for two months through beaches near their homes and they lived in his vans. Here is their film.
Written, produced and directed by Héctor Barrero
Starring Ruben Fuente, Daniel Creignou & Jose Navarro
Original soundtrack in order of appearance by: Paul Mottram - Sparse & Minimal, 3 Old Friends theme - Jose Navarro, Bryce Jacobs - Out Of Shadows, Loma - Black Willow


terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2020

Nazaré Big Wave Surf Massive

Nazaré January 29th Regular Day
Nazaré is Always massive, never boring. Even on a regular day.
Every day you have to make a choice, No matter what your history has been,
your destiny is what you create today.
What are you going to create?

Copyright © 2020, Luís "Ben" Coelho, all rights reserved Surfers: Justine Dupont, Maya Gabeira, Sebastian Steudtner, David Langer, Andrew Cotton Location: Praia do Norte, Nazaré - Portugal Date: 2020.Jan.29

Greetings from Mars - A Tribute to Surfing in Outer Space

Greetings from Mars �� A place where people spot ufos, and experience euphoric phenomenons. Where people spend their days floating, carefully crossing their feet on their ocean spacecrafts, finding a rhythm at which the ocean provides. Where strange creatures wander the land, and shrubbery struggles to grow. Hugged by the tall sandy and rocky dunes of Africa, encompassed by the glimmering stars. We developed a tribe of aliens, sharing stories and laughter, and danced day by night. A strong feeling of living in outer space, untouched and untampered. I present to you : “Greetings from Mars”
"Morocco seems to have gotten a little crowded of late. Film by Ceri Bathgate for the Logger Society. Surfers: Ambre Victoire, Laanaya Abdo, Lahcen Aguerd, Youss Kate. Music by Tsegue-maryam Guebrou “Homesickness”"

Filmed by @saltysliderr

sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2020

Salvador - The Sound of Change

Although there was an absence of week-long ripping swell, it’s hard to feel anything but envy of Hudson and the boys in El Salvador, to be immersed in an undiscovered destination and well out of the contingencies of the everyday. A trip filled with exploration, beach-break beers, and guitar riffs in almost every destination to fill time. The boys were up every morning hopeful of fun swell, often filled with stoke at the waves rolling through and also happily forced to explore the unknown of El Salvador and its culture. With a couple of friends and no plan but to surf, the trip was anything but mundane. Being on the road to a new destination is one most can relate to. Thinking back to times where everything is brand-new and fascinating at every glance. Travelling south to discover a new culture and be completely out of your element is something even more special. Hudson and the boys were thrown into the deep and forced to gain a new perspective entirely, being totally free to immerse themselves and surf all that the El Salvadorian coastline had to offer. Truly off the well-worn path. Video by Cory Gehr Music by Quiet Life and Ansco Rhythm – The Sound Of Change

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2020

The Retreat - Surf in Portugal

It was time to escape. We were done. Tapped out.
A week of festivities during the contest in France with an embarrassingly small amount of surfing had us refocused on what actually matters, so we left for Portugal. The Algarve. We gathered a merry crew: Chippa Wilson, Brendon Gibbens and Noah Collins. We rented a team manager and a van and hit the road.
Oh the Algarve!

sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2020

Onshore Winds with Andy Nieblas

"When the winds blow out of the West and put a bunch of texture on the water, conventional wisdom says to head home or head to the local coffee shop. Andy Nieblas reminds us that with the right attitude, there are still plenty of good waves to be had—even when it's blowing onshore." #twofeetandfiring
Surfer: Andy Nieblas
Film/Edit: Jeffrey Allee
Surfboard: 9'8 Walks on Water by Almond

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020

Ronaldo Matos, o jovem dos Mosteiros, top 10 Nacional, procura apoios para fazer o circuito nacional em 2020

Por Rui Álvares Cabral

Já tínhamos referido na entrevista que podem ler (aqui na integra), que o jovem Ronaldo Matos é um talento nato do Longboard, contudo este jovem dos Mosteiros, debate-se agora com falta de apoios para poder treinar e correr o circuito nacional de 2020. (não treina deste Novembro de 2019, por não ter uma prancha na ilha de São Miguel. A prancha que tem, encontra-se no continente para poder fazer lá os campeonatos)

Foto - Ronaldo flutuando na onda, no "Nose" da prancha.

WRA- Foi a primeira vez que fizeste o circuito nacional de longboard na integra e acabaste no top 10, em 9º o lugar. Como é que foi a experiência?

Ronaldo - Adorei a experiência apesar de o ano não ter começado da melhor maneira

Estava ainda lesionado do pé.

WRA - Qual foi a etapa que gostaste mais e porquê?

Ronaldo - Gostei de todas mas a que gostei mais foi em Peniche em que fiquei em 4 lugar, também gostei da etapa de São Pedro do Estoril e da Ericeira.

WRA - Foste bem acolhido pela comunidade do longboard nacional?

Ronaldo - Sim, fui muito bem acolhido Já quando fui lá a primeira fez em que fiquei em 5 receberam me muito bem.

Foto - Ronaldo "Walking on water"

WRA - O ano de 2019 foi muito positivo para o Longboard Açoriano . Tu ficaste no top 10 do Open nacional, na tua primeira participação, e o Nicolau Filipe sagrou-se campeão nacional de sub 18. Quais são os teus objectivos para 2020?

Ronaldo - Os meus objectivos em 2020, são tentar fazer o circuito todo novamente e ficar dentro do top 10 e tentar alcançar o top 5, mesmo sem ter como fazer longboard cá, por não ter prancha! Já não pratico longboard desde o dia 3 de novembro, mas se conseguir ir, vou tentar dar o meu melhor mesmo só treinando um dia ou dois antes da competição.

WRA - Como estás em termos de apoios? Sei que não tinhas uma prancha cá para treinar, tinhas só uma no continente para as competições. Já conseguistes apoios/patrocínios para ultrapassar essa situação?

Ronaldo - Apoios só conto até agora, com a classicshape , café marisqueira e o espaço azul. Estou à espera que a Câmara Municipal diga algo, porque sem esse apoio não conseguirei ir este ano competir novamente.

Foto - Ronaldo em mais um Hang Ten

WRA - Como é que vês o Longboard nos Açores, em termos de crescimento, de competições, do número de praticantes e de apoios à modalidade?

Ronaldo - O Longboard nos Açores não são muitos que praticam infelizmente! A nível de apoios também não há muitos! Nunca mais ouve competição cá por falta de atletas penso eu.

WRA -Qual o estilo de longboard com que mais te identificas? O estilo clássico com pranchas single fin (quilha única) ou o estilo High Performance, pranchas mais modernas com três fins?

Ronaldo - Adoro os dois mas agora eu tenho usado pranchas mais pesadas que se chamam "logs" (troncos) São pranchas clássicas para um surf mais tranquilo e fazer manobras no nose (bico da prancha).

Obrigado e boa sorte!