Although there was an absence of week-long ripping swell, it’s hard to feel anything but envy of Hudson and the boys in El Salvador, to be immersed in an undiscovered destination and well out of the contingencies of the everyday. A trip filled with exploration, beach-break beers, and guitar riffs in almost every destination to fill time. The boys were up every morning hopeful of fun swell, often filled with stoke at the waves rolling through and also happily forced to explore the unknown of El Salvador and its culture. With a couple of friends and no plan but to surf, the trip was anything but mundane.
Being on the road to a new destination is one most can relate to. Thinking back to times where everything is brand-new and fascinating at every glance. Travelling south to discover a new culture and be completely out of your element is something even more special. Hudson and the boys were thrown into the deep and forced to gain a new perspective entirely, being totally free to immerse themselves and surf all that the El Salvadorian coastline had to offer. Truly off the well-worn path.
Video by Cory Gehr
Music by Quiet Life and Ansco
Rhythm – The Sound Of Change
sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2020
terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2020
The Retreat - Surf in Portugal
It was time to escape. We were done. Tapped out.
A week of festivities during the contest in France with an embarrassingly small amount of surfing had us refocused on what actually matters, so we left for Portugal. The Algarve. We gathered a merry crew: Chippa Wilson, Brendon Gibbens and Noah Collins. We rented a team manager and a van and hit the road.
Oh the Algarve!
domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2020
sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2020
Onshore Winds with Andy Nieblas
"When the winds blow out of the West and put a bunch of texture on the water, conventional wisdom says to head home or head to the local coffee shop. Andy Nieblas reminds us that with the right attitude, there are still plenty of good waves to be had—even when it's blowing onshore." #twofeetandfiring
Surfer: Andy Nieblas
Film/Edit: Jeffrey Allee
Surfboard: 9'8 Walks on Water by Almond
sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2020
quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020
Ronaldo Matos, o jovem dos Mosteiros, top 10 Nacional, procura apoios para fazer o circuito nacional em 2020
Por Rui Álvares Cabral
Já tínhamos referido na entrevista que podem ler (aqui na integra), que o jovem Ronaldo Matos é um talento nato do Longboard, contudo este jovem dos Mosteiros, debate-se agora com falta de apoios para poder treinar e correr o circuito nacional de 2020. (não treina deste Novembro de 2019, por não ter uma prancha na ilha de São Miguel. A prancha que tem, encontra-se no continente para poder fazer lá os campeonatos)
Foto - Ronaldo flutuando na onda, no "Nose" da prancha.
WRA- Foi a primeira vez que fizeste o circuito nacional de longboard na integra e acabaste no top 10, em 9º o lugar. Como é que foi a experiência?
Ronaldo - Adorei a experiência apesar de o ano não ter começado da melhor maneira
Estava ainda lesionado do pé.
WRA - Qual foi a etapa que gostaste mais e porquê?
Ronaldo - Gostei de todas mas a que gostei mais foi em Peniche
em que fiquei em 4 lugar, também gostei da etapa de São Pedro do Estoril e da Ericeira.
WRA - Foste bem acolhido pela comunidade do longboard nacional?
Ronaldo - Sim, fui muito bem acolhido Já quando fui lá a primeira
fez em que fiquei em 5 receberam me muito bem.
Foto - Ronaldo "Walking on water"
WRA - O ano de 2019 foi muito positivo para o Longboard
Açoriano . Tu ficaste no top 10 do Open nacional, na tua primeira participação,
e o Nicolau Filipe sagrou-se campeão nacional de sub 18. Quais são os teus objectivos para 2020?
Ronaldo - Os meus objectivos em 2020, são tentar fazer o circuito todo
novamente e ficar dentro do top 10 e tentar alcançar o top 5, mesmo sem ter como
fazer longboard cá, por não ter prancha! Já não pratico longboard desde o dia 3 de
novembro, mas se conseguir ir, vou tentar dar o meu melhor mesmo só treinando um
dia ou dois antes da competição.
WRA - Como estás em termos de
apoios? Sei que não tinhas uma prancha cá para treinar, tinhas só uma no
continente para as competições. Já conseguistes apoios/patrocínios para
ultrapassar essa situação?
Ronaldo - Apoios só conto até agora, com a classicshape , café
marisqueira e o espaço azul. Estou à espera que a Câmara Municipal diga algo, porque sem esse apoio não conseguirei ir este ano competir novamente.
Foto - Ronaldo em mais um Hang Ten
WRA - Como é que vês o Longboard nos Açores,
em termos de crescimento, de competições, do número de praticantes e de apoios
à modalidade?
Ronaldo - O Longboard nos Açores não são muitos que praticam
infelizmente! A nível de apoios também não há muitos! Nunca mais ouve competição
cá por falta de atletas penso eu.
WRA -Qual o estilo de longboard com que mais
te identificas? O estilo clássico com pranchas single fin (quilha única) ou o
estilo High Performance, pranchas mais modernas com três fins?
Ronaldo - Adoro os
dois mas agora eu tenho usado pranchas mais pesadas que se chamam "logs" (troncos) São
pranchas clássicas para um surf mais tranquilo e fazer manobras no nose (bico da prancha).
Obrigado e boa sorte!
Micro Blackies
A micro-dose of fun surf at Blackies Newport Beach with Alex Knost, Grant Noble, Kyle Kennelly and Troy Elmore.
January 2020
terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2020
segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2020
One Wave - Matt Chojnacki
One wave at Noosa Heads on the 'Old Faithful' surfboard i have owned for many years.
My 9'3" Longboard was the first of the revamped 'Noserider' model produced by McTavish Surfboards. This board was handshaped by Bob and will remain in my possession forever!
domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2020
sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2020
Indonesia 2020 | Tai Graham
- Location -
- Surfer -
Tai Graham (@taibuddha)
- Film/Edit -
Alessio Saraifoger (@lem_ontrees)
- Year -
- Run Time -
sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2020
Will Allen Rides the Bing Omega Model
Even in small surf, the Bing Omega Midlength will perform! Victor Melchor got some clips of Bing rider, Will Allen shredding it up in some small fun surf. Music: Beach Fossils
terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2020
Longboarding the Coffs Coast with Tia/Tamzen/Layla/Dan and Braden
11 January 2020
Coffs Coast
Tia Deighton, Tamzen Bienefelt, Layla Deighton, Dan McEvoy and Braden O'Rourke. Braden on the tri fin, the others on single fin logs.
Camera Panasonic Lumix FZ2500 full hd 60 fps
segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2020
Devon Howard 6´10" Midlenght : the CI Mid
"I’m excited to share this new board with you. The CI Mid by Channel Islands Surfboards.
I’ll be sharing a lot more details on this board in the weeks to come. In the meantime, this board isn’t really in one particular category so I’m going with modern midlength. This board is 6’10” and I was quite surprised by this design and how well it boogied in smaller surf. I’ve found myself usually riding these sort of designs in head high plus surf (I’m 6’1” 185lb), but this does really well in waist high stuff, too. More on all this soon! Thanks again for everyone’s interest, stoke and support on this new board. "
Clips by @g___r___a___n___t
domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2020
The Pass Ft. Josie
"After spending just over six months at the points of Noosa it was a difficult choice to pack up and leave and head down the coast. We made Byron Bay our next destination.
Not knowing much about the place, we headed straight for The Pass to check it out and see if we made the right decision by leaving the waves at Noosa. We wasn’t disappointed, paddling straight out you can instantly feel the joy of everyone in the line up. Everyone smiling, chatting, not taking it too serious if the odd beginner drops in. Paddling back up the point after a long cruisey ride I spotted someone that I had been a fan of for some time. That’s the first time I saw Josie surf in person and I could definitely see the grace and style she carried on the water. I sat back on my board and watched poetry in motion.
It seamed farfetched to me that I would actually get the chance to film such a talented and stylish surfer and a few weeks later I was behind my camera buzzing.
The smooth foot work to the subtle hand jives, it all combines to make Josie’s style unique and a pleasure to watch."
Thanks you Josie for your surfing and your time.
See you out there.
Music: Wendy & Bonnie - By The Sea
sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2020
SMOOTH CANVAS by Xabier Beloki
SMOOTH CANVAS is a short loggin video starring Jon Garmendia, Ion Uranga and Iker Treviño.
sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2020
California Surfing - Ryan Burch - NobodySurf
"I met Ryan at Cardiff Reef around 2009. He had just shaped his longboard by himself and surfed it really well. A few years after, I visited Ryan’s shaping room and found out his passion for surfing and shaping. Four years later, Ryan was riding an asymmetrical longboard (for backside) at Swami’s. I was blown away by his creative approach for backside nose riding. Currently, Ryan is still constantly pushing the his limits of surfing and shaping. (Tatsuo Takei)"
Alex Knost | Bali 2019
"RVCA Surf advocate Alex Knost enjoys few things more than traveling off the beaten path, hanging with friends and enjoying good surf. He recently took one such journey to the Indonesian isle of Bali to visit old friends and find himself in a different setting. "
Video by Jimmy "Jazz" James (Kinnaird)
quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2020
quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2020
From The Peaks Of Nazaré To The Barrels Of Teahupo'o, This Is The Best Of Red Bull Surfing 2019
Carissa Moore,
Caroline Marks,
Dale Staples,
Joel Parkinson,
Jordy Smith,
Kanoa Igarashi,
Koa Rothman,
Mick Fanning,
Mitch Parkinson,
Nathan Florence,
Rodrigo Koxa,
Sergio Cosme
Postado por
Wave Riders Açores
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terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2020
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