quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2019

"(...) The film tells the story of the modern performance twin through the lens of Australian icon Mark Richards, who found inspiration in the boards of Reno Abellira, shaping tutelage in Dick Brewer and created a design all his own that he surfed to four straight world titles.
To this day, Richard's feat of making his own boards and surfing them to such success stands apart as one of the greatest achievements of all time surfing. But what's perhaps more impressive is the way that twin-fin designs have evolved in the aftermath, disappearing for years before reemerging in modern surf culture as the go-to craft for those looking to balance performance surfing with high-speed, skatey fun.
"Fast & Loose" celebrates that unique flavor not just through the story of MR, but through modern rippers like Zeke Lau and Kael Walsh, who took the classic twins and updated versions for a spin. It was a fun film to make, as it damn well should be when the subject is twin fins. Hopefully the feeling is contagious."

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